مشروع التعلّم الذاتي للأطفال اللاجئين من العالم العربي وإنشاء دليل عمل للمرشدين والمعلّمين الناطقين باللغة العربية
"تمكين" هو مشروع أوروبي واسع النطاق مختص في مجال التعليم المدرسي للأطفال اللاجئين. معاً مع ما يقارب 70 معلم/ة و متطوع/ة و مدرب/ة قمنا بتطوير مبدأ تدريبي في ألمانيا، السويد، جنوب إيطاليا وتركيا مع العاملين مع الأطفال اللاجئين.
ما بين 2017 و 2019 قام مشروع تمكين بتقديم أربع ورشات عمل مختلفة على امتداد أوروبا مع أساتذة و آنسات عرب يعملون مع الأطفال اللاجئين. يستند المبدأ التدريبي بشكل أساسي على مفهوم التعلم المنتظم الذاتي. هذا المفهوم الذي يمكّن الطفل من تحديد وتقوية ذاته في حياته المدرسية اليومية. على صعيد آخر، كان من المهم أن نقدّم الدعم المناسب للناطقين باللغة العربيّة من المعلمين والمعلمات الذين خاضوا تجربة اللجوء بأنفسهم، بحيث يهدف هذا الدعم إلى تمكينهم على صعيد المهنة وعلى صعيد المساهمة الفعلية في المجتمع الجديد. وحداتنا التدريبية تجمع ما بين رؤى مختلفة في مجال علم النفس، علم التربية، الدراسات الثقافية و تشمل أفكارا تتمحور حول التصدي للتمييز، الإقصاء وأثر الصدمة النفسية وكيفية دعم الطفل لتطوير مفهوم ذات إيجابي ليصبح متعلما منتظما بشكل ذاتي.
يمكنك أن تجرب وحداتنا التدريبية باللغة العربية و الإنجليزية بنفسك كمعلم/ة أو استخدامها في ورشات العمل مع معلمين/معلمات.
ENABLE is a Europe wide project in the field of school education of refugee children. Together with about 70 native Arabic speaking teachers, volunteer trainers and tutors we have developed a
training concept in Germany, Sweden, southern Italy and Turkey for people working with refugee children.
ENABLE have run four different workshops between 2017 and 2019 all over Europe with Arab teachers and tutors who work with refugee children. The core of the concept is the so-called self-
regulated learning, which enables the children to determine and empower themselves in their possibly new (school) everyday life. At the same time, it is important in our project to support the
mother-tongue tutors or teachers being often refugees themselves in their professionalization and participation in immigrant countries. Our training modules combine different insights from psychology, pedagogy and cultural studies and gather ideas of tackling discrimination, exclusion and the effect of trauma and support children to develop a positive self-concept and become self-organized learners.
You can try our training model in Arabic and English, either for yourself as a teacher or use it in your workshops with other teachers and tutors.

ورش العمـــــــــــل
يدير فريق تمكين أربعة دورات تدريبية مختلفة على امتداد أوروبا مع معلمين و مدربين عرب سبق لهم أن عملوا مع الأطفال اللاجئين. تتضمن وحداتنا التعليمية تأملات من علم النفس و علم التربية و دراسات ثقافيّة. بعض الوحدات على سبيل المثال:
1: كيف تكون معلما داعما؟
2: التعامل مع الصدمة النفسيّة.
3: تحديد معرفة الأطفال.
4: ثلاثية التواصل.
5:مفهوم الذات – التحفيز و التعلّم المنتظم الذاتي.
The Workshops
Enable runs four different trainings all over Europe with Arab teachers and tutors who work with refugee children. Our training modules combine different insights from psychology, pedagogy and cultural studies. Some module examples:
How to be a supportive teacher,
dealing with trauma,
identifying children’s knowledge,
triplette of communication,
self-concept, motivation and self-regulated learning.
مجمــوعـــــــــة الشـــركـــــــــــاء
تجمـــع شــراكتنـــا فـــي إيراسمـــوس مـــن أجـــل الابتكـــار فـــي التعليـــم المدرســـي مجموعـــة استراتيجيــــة مــــن الشركاء:
Partner Consortium
Our Erasmus Plus strategic partnership for innovation in school education gathers a strategic team of different partners:

The University of Schwäbisch Gmünd is a dynamic university with an especially long tradition
in teacher training, namely since 1825. For ENABLE, the PH Schwäbisch Gmünd combines two areas of expertise, the Department of Educational counseling, Psychology and Intervention as well as the Department of Cultural Studies. The department of Cultural Studies works on topics of (Arab) migration, integration and transculturality. The department of “Educational counseling, Psychology and Intervention” works on the topics of conversation guidance with parents, conflict resolution
or conflict management, psychosocial development support for children and adolescents and play therapy.
Education and Research:
The University of Gävle has approximately 16 000 students and more than 50 study programs and second-cycle programs. 350 courses are offered in the fields of Humanities, Social and Natural Sciences and Technology. The University of Gävle was environmentally certified according to ISO 14001. This certification comprises education and research in collaboration with the surrounding community. Clearly, we are at the forefront when it comes to working with sustainable development and we are immensely proud of this fact!
The Laboratory Occhialì is a centre of studies regarding the Islamic Mediterranean Countries, in the Department of Cultures, Education and Society (DiCES) of the University of Calabria (UNICAL). It implements researches regarding the MENA region, Turkey and Balkans and the topic of Islam in Europe. The Laboratory members are specialized in different disciplines like Sociology of Islam, Migrations, History of Islamic Countries, Pedagogy and oriental languages.
Psychological Counseling and Guidance is an undergraduate and graduate program within the
Department of Educational Sciences in Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Faculty of Education. Theprogram aims to train psychological counselors to work at public and private schools, counseling and research centers, psychological counseling centers in the universities, psychological counseling, rehabilitation centers in the military troops, and so on. The main focus of the program is prevention of mental problems and helping humans grow. The field is dedicated to working with groups with disadvantages in a humanistic manner to help them achieve their full potential.
Back on track e.V. is a charity organization which was founded by Germans and Syrians living in Berlin in 2016. The aim is to help Syrian and other Arabic speaking children who were forced to seek refuge abroad so they can cope with the school system in their host country. The approach is based on modern teaching methods composed of applying self-learning material and building children's self-confidence by interactive games and art.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This internet platform reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

مــنـصـــــــــــــة التدريــــب
ستجدون هنا منصة تدريب تفاعلية نشارك من خلالها وحداتنا التّعليمية المطورة.
نرحب بتطبيقكم لموادنا التدريبية بشكل عملي ومشاركتنا رأيكم.
The training platform
Here, you find an interactive training platform in which we share our developed training modules. You are more than welcome to apply our training material in practice and give us feedback.
" برنامج مفيد جدا! من أهم نقاط قوته، حقيقة أنّه يطبّق في دول و جامعات مختلفة. هذا التبادل ثري حيث يعطي التنوّع دوماً قوة أكبر، و هذا بدوره أمر إيجابي."